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LIU Jingdong

From: CICC         Updated: 2024-10-18


Director of International Economic Law Department, the Institute for International Law of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor of International Law. Vice-Chief Justice of No.4 Civil Tribunal of Supreme People’s Court of China (April, 2015-December, 2017), Vice President of WTO Law Research Society of China Law Society and Vice President of China’s Arbitration Law Society. He is Special Counselor of Supreme People’s Court of China, Arbitrator of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration, Shanghai International Arbitration Center, Singapore International Arbitration Center,etc. Vice- Chairman of Commercial Mediation Center of China Chamber Of International Commerce.

Professor Liu has been engaged in research on International law, International economic law and International commercial law for a long time. Professor Liu has published many books, such as “Legal Issues on International Financial Leasing”, “The Interpretation on Articles of The Protocol of China’s Accession to WTO”, “Good Faith in WTO legal System”,”Problems on Trade and Environment In the WTO” , “All-round Opening Up and Rule of Law of International Economy” and so on. He also publish a lot of articles in “Chinese Journal of Law”, “China Legal Science”, “Legal Science”, “Tribune of Political Science and Law”, “Chinese Review of International Law”, “Journal of World Trade”. He has obtained Paper’s Reward of China ‘Society of International Law in 2012, and Paper’s Reward of WTO Law Research Society of China Law Society in 2014 and 2015 respectively. “Research on the Necessity of WTO Reform and the Design of Reform Issues”written by Professor Liu has been awarded 2019 Top 10 Paper for “Global Economic Governance”.

1986—1990, Studied at the law faculty, China University of Political Sciences and Law, gained Law Bachelor. 1990—1993, Studied at the Graduate School, Chinese University of Political Sciences and Law, majoring in International law, gained LLM. 1998—2001, Studied at the Graduate School, Chinese University of Political Sciences and Law, majoring in International economic law, gained LL.D. 2003-2005, Worked and studied as Post-Doctor in Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Professor Liu was also a visiting scholar of Columbia Law School of U.S. from 2008-2009 and of Zurich University in 2010.

Related Links: 刘敬东 LIU Jingdong


*The original text is Chinese and has been translated into English for reference only. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.