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Khaled Ali Al-Obaidly

From: CICC         Updated: 2024-09-25


Nationality: Qatar


Judge Khaled Ali Al-Obaidly, has previously served as a judge in the minor civil court, the High Civil Court, the Court of Appeal, the President of the Court of First Instance, a member of the Supreme Judicial Council, the Vice President of the Court of Appeal, the President of the Court of Appeal, and the President of the Investment and Trade Court.


Judge Khaled Ali Al-Obaidly chaired a committee to study the establishment of the Investment and Trade Court and oversaw the establishment of the Investment and Trade Court. He has participated in specialized training courses on courts and judicial systems in Tunisia, France, the United Kingdom, and Singapore, and has attended several international conferences as a representative of the Qatar Supreme Judicial Council.


Judge Khaled Ali Al-Obaidly has an honorary master’s degree from Birkbeck, University of London.

Related Links: 哈立德·本·阿里·欧拜德利 Khaled Ali Al-Obaidly


*The original text is Chinese and has been translated into English for reference only. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.